Information on Shared Care
We are asked frequently if our gender specialists can provide shared care with a GP. Here we explain our approach.
What is Shared Care?
Shared care is a formal written agreement between a general practitioner (GP) and a specialist to share the care of a patient. It can allow a GP to prescribe and monitor specialist medicines for the patient, with suitable support from the specialist.
Do you provide Shared Care?
Eden New Life does not offer any shared care services.
Why don't you offer Shared Care?
Our UK specialists collectively have many years of experience working with NHS GPs. They know that adding them into our service will lead to a frustrating and disappointing experience for you. GPs just have too many other commitments to work to our pace. As of 04/24 the average number of patients per fully qualified GP in England was 2,294.
Why would Shared Care make your service worse?
An Eden subscription gives you access to all the UK specialists you need for the services we offer - doctors, nurses, prescribers, counsellors and more - so that you get prompt care to high standards that we set. If a GP was involved we would face significant administrative delays - which can extend to months, we know from experience - having to call, write, and email them for you.
Would Shared Care be cheaper for me?
While in theory, yes, because your GP may approve NHS prescriptions for your care, but in practice no. This is because to pay for our additional administrative costs of managing your shared care agreement your subscription fees would need to increase.
Can I get any benefits from my GP for my Eden care?
You can ask your GP to provide you with blood tests. We provide a free template letter so you know what to ask for, and, we'll review them for free if you are a paid subscriber. Just be aware that some GPs will refuse, and we have no control over the timing or quality of their tests.
Will you talk to my GP?
Your GP can contact us at any time at Many do, to check out our service quality (which we applaud, as they have your best interests at heart). As we take your privacy very seriously, we never share any information about you with your GP unless we have your explicit written consent.